I believe that who we are uniquely flavours how we see the world and how we take something like the human design system and apply it. So I think it’s important for you to have the chance to see who I am.
I am a Projector - I know myself through the other. I crave depth and once you’re in my field you’ll get my focused attention. I am inconsistent. I know this and don’t apologise for it. I am a life long student - I thrive when I know the details of the system (hence the relationship with HD!)
My authority is self projected - so you know there will be a lot of talking. I may monologue but this is where you’ll find my magic. That’s the potency of my expression. I only have two defined centres - the G centre and the throat so my expression of who I am, the directions I know and the unique character I play will flavour everything for me. I find that this chart definition allows me to see uniquely into the other, their direction and how good it can be.
I’m a 4/6 profile- my unconscious wisdom is being learnt and gathered through my relationships. The quality and deliciousness of my relationships determines the richness of my life. I am certain that my success falls into my lap when I lean into my existing relationships instead of looking towards strangers. I am not quite on the roof yet.. (second life stage T minus 6 months - is it strange that I’m excited!). I have no doubt the way I express and relate will change at this point. I plan to age like a fine wine… come at me refinement and distillation.
I have a single channel - and it’s unconscious! The channel of the Alpha (my design sun and mercury having a date). I can see how resources and energy are best arranged in a system which means I am often looked to as a guide or leader in a given situation. I also have the ability for natural specialisation which once processed internally can be externalised and influence those around me. This energy can feel foreign to me and I tend to recognise it’s presence retrospectively.
My completely open solar plexus has given me some deep lessons in the waves of others and I find it easy to recognise when someone is in the thralls of their emotional process.
I have direct light determination - can you tell by the images? I like light. I like watching what light does to things. Light and I have a love affair. Practically this means I operate best in the mornings. I get up earlier and go to sleep earlier. And I like to eat my dinner by 4-5pm. I digest and alchemise the information and wisdom I collect best in the light.
I have taste cognition. Do the taste / dining metaphors and descriptions give me away? Things in my environment need to be to my taste. I am particular. I like beautiful things. I like complex flavours. My experience of taste is an almost pickiness of what is around me (including what is on my plate). My defined G also guides me directly to the things that are to MY taste.
I have narrow valleys environment. Music and the sounds around me are very important. I like to be at the centre of the information. I like to see what is happening and feel like I am at the source so that I can both observe and share at the right times.
I have guilt motivation and possibility view. I see the highest and most unimaginable possibility in everything. I can imagine things working out in a way that has a lot of people baffled (the best when things do turn out the way I imagined). I do this for me and I can see the wildest possible futures for you too. I am also motivated to provide solutions. I can see when things aren’t being used to their greatest efficiency or where there is power left over for something that is not yet manifest - I act to shed light on these things.
I think that is a plate full. If you want to know more about me (the non HD lens) head here for dessert